"Kurder och judar" - information in Swedish from Fredrik Malms blog
The Jewish Friendassociation greet all welcome for a program on
Kurds - of Jews only friends in the Middle East?
The Jewish Friendassociation greet all welcome for a program on
Kurds - of Jews only friends in the Middle East?
Tuesday March 31, 2009 kl. 18.30
Jewish Center, Nybrogatan 19, 2 tr. Valentin Hall
Fredrik Malm, Member of Parliament for the Liberal Party and chairman of the Stockholm section of the Sweden-Israel, speaking of politics, oppression and cultural heritage.
Many Kurds and Jews feel moral and political solidarity with each other. Thousands of Kurdish Jews emigrated in the 1950s from Kurdistan to Israel. Today, the Kurds in Iraq upon their autonomy, particularly with Israel as a source of inspiration.
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